Thursday, October 27, 2011


I love that you can see the tomatoes ripening
I finally found the fabric for my new kitchen curtains. A square of vintage cotton from a yard sale is now hemmed up and hanging from my windows. I will add the pom-pom ball trim to the bottom as soon as I get the go-ahead from C. I am happy to have a new update and soon there will be shelves and new prints on the walls too. All in honor of my new pans.
It was tricky figuring out the new sewing machine, luckily my friend was very patient in answering my questions and sent me photo tutorials. And C politely ignored my cussing. Add to that the frustration of using a pattern that was the wrong size, there were a few times I wanted to chuck the whole thing out the window. But we were able to get everything worked out and the kids seemed happy with their outfits. I can't wait until Monday to take them trick-or-treating. I have my fingers crossed for good weather. 

Friday, October 21, 2011


I read through some of the directions to import Sarity from it's Typepad home. It does not look like an easy thing to do. Right now I am just thinking of changing Typepad to a micro account and allowing the content to stay there.
What will you need to go there to find?
  • My super secret Chocolate Crumble Bars recipe
  • My previous Oh What a Find! Treasures
  • Pictures form 2010-2011
  • Hilarious stories and life updates
I now have most of one costume done (just need a tiara) and am ready to sew a skirt with some imporvisations and modify a t-shirt to become a cheerleader costume. I thought I was going to get off easy and be able to let Julianna wear a traditional Herron girl costume, the gypsy skirt. No deal. She is too big. And it is so sad because it is such a beautiful costume. Back in the cedar chest for it an hopefully I can remember it next year for Annabelly.

I like to take my nieces and nephews trick-or-treating and sew their costumes. I didn't the last 2 years, but I did take them to Wildlife Scary Park. They had a good time. This year, I am off work early so we can hit the streets and get our loot. I am so excited. A cheerleader, a ballerina, and Wolverine will be out haunting the neighborhood and fighting over who gets to ring the doorbell. I hope it is warm out. Or at the least, not damp feeling....
And I hope my sewing machine will work....without cuss words.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Moving In

I have decided to move my blog over to Blogger. The biggest reason being that I want to free up the money I was paying TypePad to donate to NPR. Maybe a silly reason, but I also feel Blogger is going to be easier to customize and create the online home that I truly envision. There may be some bumps along the way, but I think I will be able to import my previous posts. Hopefully without too much of a headache.
I made a few changes today. A few more will be coming soon.
The only other thing that is moving in is my sewing machine. It isn't actually MY sewing machine yet, as I have not made anything with it yet. I sold mine last summer in anticipation of moving and with the intention of buying a new one when I needed it. This summer I picked one up at a sale for $5 and we will give it a try. Coming soon (by Friday? I hope) are 2 Halloween costumes and next week I will have kitchen curtains with the possibility of some modified t-shirts inspired by Pinterest. Goodbye, dining room table.